Introduce popular datasets we will work with: Fisher irises, Old Faithful, NIST, faces
Add more algorithmic details: computational complexity, etc.
Make a table where minimization functions for all of the topics are summarized.
Add conclusions at the end of EVERY lecture.
Make demo style consistent (consider using SNS).
Introductory lecture
Example with non-balanced dataset (terrorist/non-terrorist) is ambiguous, redo
Too much attention to simple types, need more objects/classes
Numpy lecture
add np.einsum consideration
think on some visualization for np.arrays
error in image with slicing
add list/array memory representation image
fix cycle/ufunction time comparison (add comparison with list)
Statistics lecture
add Polya urn models (Beta distribution etc)
Bayes lecture
Problem with 2 boxes, bead, and pearl. 2 boxes, one contains 1 bead and the other 1 pearl. We don’t know where pearl is (50/50). One more pearl is aced into box “B”, shuffled, randomply pulled back. Pearl is pulled back. What is the probability to have pearl in “A”? in “B”?